About Us

What does Yeşil Çember do?

Since 2007, we have been raising awareness and mobilizing people in Germany, especially Turkish-speaking people, to protect the environment.

With our work, we show that it is possible to live an environmentally friendly and sustainable life without harming the earth.

We publish information brochures on various environmental topics in Turkish-German and Arabic-German and offer training courses and seminars, especially in associations, workplaces and other meeting centers for people with a migrant background.

We also organize nature excursions, train volunteer environmental ambassadors and carry out projects on different environmental issues.

We also provide counseling to many actors working in the environmental field and build a bridge between cultures.


Turkish-German Environment Days

Together with migrant associations, German environmental organizations and local politics, Yeşil Çember has so far organized 20 Environment Days
in 8 German cities, reaching thousands of people.


Environmental Education & Empowerment

In order to reach people with a low level of education – even illiterate people – we have developed an effective and easy-to-understand training programme. The “Environmental Ambassadors” who take part in the training first apply what they have learnt in their own lives and then explain it to the people around them. The Dortmund University of Applied Sciences has conducted research and found that people who take part in these training programmes are more involved in protecting the climate and nature.


Intercultural Ecological Network

Yeşil Çember is building an intercultural ecological network. More than a hundred actors from civil society, business, media and politics are involved in this network. Through this network, German environmental organizations and ecological companies are supported in their intercultural expansion.


Networking & Synergy

The aim of the Green Circle is not to reinvent the wheel, but to use existing structures and facilities wisely. Active participation in the Sustainable Action Days, the Berlin Environment Festival, the Berlin Climate Day or the Duisburg Environment Days are just a few examples. We also take part in rallies, referendums or signature campaigns.

Bridge between Germany and Turkey

Yeşil Çember is not only an intercultural bridge in Germany, but also a means of communication between Germany and Turkey.
In 2010 it took part in the sister cities events in Berlin and Istanbul and in 2011 in the organisation of the delegation of Katrin Lompscher, Senator for the Environment in Berlin. The organisation was also a consultant to the Öko Institute for the Blue Angel Conference in Istanbul (2013).

December 2006

G. Nitsch and 10 volunteers founded Yeşil Çember as a working group within BUND Berlin.

July 2012

G. Nitsch founded Yeşil Çember - ökologisch interkulturell gemeinnützige GmbH as a social company.